how proficient are your english-

TOEIC Preparation Program is given to students/ employees/ staff who want to get their TOEIC score or as a prerequisite for entering companies/ institutions/ agencies/ government office.

(Program TOEIC Preparation ini diberikan kepada mahasiswa/ siswa/ pegawai/ pekerja yang ingin mendapatkan/ mengetahui score TOEIC mereka atau sebagai prasyarat masuk instansi/ institusi/ BUMN yang menerapkan TOEIC sebagai syarat masuknya.)

Through this course, the students will learn about (Melalui kursus ini siswa akan belajar tentang):

  • English Grammar
  • English Reading Comprehension
  • Listening techniques and strategies
  • TOEIC techniques and strategies

The Course Outline for TOEIC Preparation includes Listening, Grammar dan Reading. (Course Outline untuk TOEIC Preparation ini dibagi dalam Listening, Grammar dan Reading.)

Course Material:                                                  Facility:

  • Introduction to TOEIC                               Module
  • English Structure & Reading                 1x International Test
  • TOEIC tips and tricks                                 Score Rooster
  • TOEIC Test                                                       Certificate

Course Session:     2 months (10x class meetings & 3x Simulation Tests)

 For more information, please contact via whatsapp (prefered):

  • 081805165216 (Pak Tama)
  • 081234530707 (Bu. Lusia)
  • 081357757607 (Bu. Dian)